Thursday 18 May 2017

A Fresh Start

I'm making a fresh start. 

My last blog, "Buzzing Around" was linked to my MBA course and my uni's email address. Having graduated, that's no longer available. So I had no choice.

The new background is brilliantly coloured ...yeah kinda psychadelic - not subdued. It's not that I have a sunny ebullient personality, I ponder too much for that. Rather, I'm independent, a bit of a maverick perhaps, and as a trained designer I love colour and design and details. Not that I'd wear a shirt in this pattern - too 70s for my personal taste. I actually love the 50s styles - full skirts (that I can't wear given my height and my new girth), peddle-pushers (aka capris), stovepipe pants, the 60s Jackie-O sheath (luckily I can still carry this look off especially if it has princess lines) and even the palazzos of the 90s. That's an eclectic mix. But I like what I  like.


So, I've decided to make this blog about what I like and sometimes what I don't. It won't be erudite. I may have a bit of a rant on occasion, but it's a way to express myself in a form that I enjoy...writing. Til next time.


1 comment:

  1. Here I am posting to myself since more than two years later I would wear a shirt in this pattern. Hehe. 😁


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