Monday 1 January 2018


Wishing my readers a most fulfilling 2018 with success in your careers and personal life. May this be a fabulous year for you in which you achieve the goals you set and you overcome any challenges you may face. 

It blesses my heart to see I have readers from places like Austria, Ukraine, France and Haiti. That's awesome. Je vous souhaite une Bonne Année mes amis.

The year-end is a time for reflection and review for some. So, just for my readers not living in Barbados, I'll share five of my fave local songs of the year (well, one is regional).

Crop Over is Barbados' annual summer festival featuring lots of fetes, music (soca, calypso etc.) competitions and ending with a parade of costumed bands that are judged for Best Band on the Road (in terms of creativity, representation of theme, colour, durability). For the young-at-heart, it's a great experience. My first 2 faves are taken from the 2017 festival.

First up is this sweet, melodious rendition by a talented, young man, Marvay, who has the antidote for those stressful days. Enjoy these scenes of life in Barbados in his lyric video...

             Marvay ~ Antidote (Credit: JulianspromosTV | 2018 Music 2017)

 Next up is the calypsonian dubbed the "Lyrical Master", Red Plastic Bag, one of Barbados' cultural ambassadors. He won the year's Sweet Soca Competition during Crop Over with this performance. Check here for the nicely recorded version in full effect. I think he wears white as well as he wears red. 😀

     Red Plastic Bag ~ Boat Ride (Credit: JulianspromosTV | 2018 Music 2017) 

Now to my favourite genre...

This was gibberish to me until I saw this lyric video, still I couldn't resist the melody and sang along with the hook-line every time I heard it from day 1. Carry on de beat boi!

               Blessed Messenger ~ Praises Tun Up (Credit: Nicholas R. 2017)

Of my personal three faves for the year, there's no video of Sherwin Gardner's "Trouble" other than a clip so I'm choosing another Trinidadian native, who now lives in Barbados and is married to a Bajan. Blessed Messenger, Sherwin and this lady, Sherry Ann Maughan, all hail from Trinidad and Tobago. 

               Sherry Ann Maughan ~ Shine (Credit: Sherry Ann Maughan 2017) 

The final song in my "countdown" of 2017 faves is this one by fellow Barbadian, Nicovia. Love it to bits and it's a toss-up between this and "Trouble" for my all time year's favourite. They were both in the top 2 of a couple of stations I listen to.

                                   Nicovia ~ Tek Ova (Nicovia 2017)

One love people...blessings...

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