Saturday 27 July 2019


Shout out to readers from Brazil, Estonia, Romania, Mexico, Ukraine, France, Japan and the faithful following in Belgium. 👋

I realize my regular readers have been checking in only to find there is nothing new, so I apologize for not having an entry in June.

I was preoccupied with Korean dramas and my first foray into viewing a Chinese drama. I considered sharing some thoughts with you on my viewings, but is that your Interest? Or are you checking for things Bajan?

July 26, is recognized in Barbados as a Day of National Significance. On that day Barbadians commemorate the 1937 riots when working-class Barbadians chose to take a stand against the European hegemony of the island. At some point in our lives, we have to stand for something... 

Audra Day - Stand Up for Something feat. Common (Official Music Video)
[Credit: Audra Day, 2017]

Check this dance interpretation of the 1937 unrest:

 NCF summer dance interns at the 2013 Crop Over Heritage Walk  [Credits: NCF Barbados, 2013]

The young people are dancing to Riots in The Land by the national cultural ambassador, Dr. Anthony "Gabby" Carter.
This year the National Cultural Foundation featured a radio drama: How Hard The Times. Click on the link below the image of national hero, the Right Excellent Clement Payne to listen to the radio drama. It's quite good.

It was a turning point in our history. Bajans are known across the Caribbean as being passive – what took place in 1937 shows what happens when a hungry (i.e. oppressed) man becomes an angry man. 

There is an accompanying comic strip as well that is also well done. It's not a pretty picture of Barbados'  race relations but it is the truth of perceptions in that era. It would do us well as a people to never forget but not to hold a grudge over it as it is what led us to develop into the nation we are today.
[credit: Comic Adaptation – Nigel Lynch, Story – Michelle Cox, Art – Tristan Roach, Colour – Edward “King” Bola, Editor – Kamaria Connell, Inspired by poetry of Anthony Hinkson]

In a former blog in 2017 on some of Barbados' national heroes, I featured a dramatized interview of the Right Excellent Clement Payne - a very good production of the Government Information Service. So I will not repeat myself. You can follow the link highlighted to view afresh

The fact is: We All Bleed the Same!

 Mandisa - We All Bleed the Same (Official Music Video) ft. Toby Mac, Kirk Franklin
[Credit: MandisaOfficial 2018] 

'Til next time...

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