Here's to a Merry Christmas and happier 2021! 🍹
Very special greetings to readers from Saudi Arabia and Taiwan. (Best seen in web view.)
Having already presented glimpses of Christmas traditions in Barbados, including our annual fashion parade as well as much of the local music - even the humourous touches - and my "goosebump" faves, I will focus on the real reason for celebrating Christmas with some recently-discovered "goosebump" songs and seasonal quotes (not quite a nine lessons and carols) but I hope you will be inspired.
O Come, O Come Emmanuel
"Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Look, the virgin is with child and shall bear a son, and shall name him Immanuel. That is God is with us." Isaiah 7: 14
O Come, O Come Emmanuel | Filmed in Israel (Hebrew & English) [Source: Anna Hawkins, November 2015]
Love Incarnate, Love Divine
The Reason For The Season
On that note, I will sign off with a blast from the past. When I was a child, Jim Reeves was very popular on the local radio stations. Today, country and western music is still popular among a certain age group. He knows the true reason for Christmas (though the image with Santa and baby is unfathomable):
Jim Reeves..."C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S" with Lyrics [V.A. Hoss, December 2013]Until next time...